橫河 YOKOGAWA 3201 電路測試儀具有AC/DC電壓、DC電流、DC電阻和分貝測量功能。以下是長沙艾克塞普儀器設備有限公司為您介紹橫河 YOKOGAWA 3201 電路測試儀的基本精度和測量范圍,如有疑問,請聯(lián)系長沙艾克賽普儀器儀表公司bopsupply.com,聯(lián)系電話:0731-84284278 84284378。
橫河 YOKOGAWA 3201 電路測試儀的基本精度和測量范圍:
DCV : 范圍, 0.3/1.2/3/12/30/120/300/1200V
: 精度, ± 2.0% of full scale (e×cept 1200V range ± 3.0%)
: 附注, 輸入電阻 : 100 KΩ/V
DCA : Range, 0.012/0.12/1.2/12/120/1200mA
: Accuracy, ± 3.0% of full scale (e×cept 1200V range ± 4.0%)
: Remarks, Terminal voltage drop: less than 250 mV
ACV : Range, 3/12/30/120/300/1200V
: Accuracy, ± 3.0%
: Remarks, Input impedance: 10 KΩ/V
電阻 : Range, 2/200/ 20,000 KΩ
: Accuracy, ± 3.0% of full scale
: Remarks, enter scale mark: 10 Ω for ma×. Full scale of 2 KΩ
(min. Div. 0.2 Ω)
Decibel : Range, -20 to 11/23/31/43 dB
: Accuracy, ± 3.0% of full scale (dB)
: Remarks, Input impedance
St'd accessories : 1.5V battery: 1, Test leads set: 1, Alligator clip: 1, Portable case:1